Benefits of Custom Windows

Custom windows allow homeowners to optimize natural light, which enhances living spaces and creates a brighter home. They also reduce energy bills and offer a high return on investment.

Find a window company that offers a glass breakage warranty. Also, check if they have a glazing and residential license from the state Construction Industry Licensing Board.


The customization options with custom windows Sanford FL allow homeowners to choose based on their home’s style and needs. They can also opt for insulated glass packages, which help reduce energy costs. They can also be built to precise sizes for a more weathertight fit.

Other options include garden windows, which extend outward like a greenhouse, and tilt and turn windows, which offer European flair with dual functionality. These windows provide a sleek appearance that complements any architectural style, and they also reduce energy costs by allowing for ventilation without letting in water.

The company offers a wide variety of window styles and materials, including fiberglass and vinyl, and is known for its high quality products at reasonable prices. It also carries Energy Star-rated windows. Its management team has well over 100 years of combined experience in the window and door industry. Ernie and John have surrounded themselves with an energetic team that is committed to providing excellent customer service.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficient windows reduce energy bills, lower carbon footprints and improve your home’s curb appeal. They are also a great investment because they add value to your home at resale. Many local and state government agencies offer incentives for homeowners to install new windows that are ENERGY STAR certified. You can find a list of available programs on the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE).

Window companies that carry ENERGY STAR-certified windows have passed rigorous tests and can provide you with cost-saving energy efficiency. They use double or triple-pane glass, Low-E coating and argon gas to increase thermal efficiency and decrease energy costs.

When choosing a window company, look for one that has a long track record in the area and excellent customer service. Read reviews and ask for referrals to help you make the right decision. You should also check whether the company holds a glazing, residential or general construction contractor’s license.


A major benefit of custom windows is their durability. They are often made with higher quality materials than their off-the-shelf counterparts and designed to withstand Florida’s strong storms. This longevity will save you money on replacement costs and ensure your windows look their best for years to come.

Custom windows can also add value to your home by boosting its resale value. Potential buyers are looking for unique and high-quality upgrades, and adding a set of custom windows will increase your home’s curb appeal and make it more appealing to them.

It is important to choose a window company that specializes in custom windows and has a proven track record. Look for certifications from reputable manufacturers and membership in industry organizations like the Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (formerly the AAMA). A reputable company will also offer warranties on their work. Also, ask about their energy-efficiency features and if they offer impact-resistant windows. These will help you save on your energy bills and qualify for homeowner’s insurance discounts.


The most obvious benefit of custom windows is that they are tailored to complement your home’s aesthetic. Generic windows aren’t always the best match for homes with unique architecture, and can sometimes look out of place. With custom windows, you can choose from a variety of styles and materials that will seamlessly integrate into your home’s design.

Whether you’re building a new home or remodeling an existing one, professional window installation experts can help you pick out the right windows for your needs, budget and style. They can also advise you on the best windows for your location and climate, as well as help you select the right frame material.

You can also save money on energy bills by installing double pane windows. They’re designed to reduce heat and cold loss and offer a high level of insulation. Additionally, they help protect your carpets and furniture from fading by filtering out harmful UV rays. They’re also available in a range of colors and styles to suit your home’s décor.